Charlotte Williams

College of Humanities and Social Sciences 

Communication and Philosophy 

Charlotte is a world-traveling, music-loving, armchair philosopher who also happens to be in her last year of a Communication Masters program. After graduating USU in Global Communication with a double minor in Philosophy and Marketing, Charlotte decided the best way to learn more about the world was to pursue a master's degree. She has loved doing original research about gender, disability, and even Elizabeth Holmes, and hopes to use those skills in her future. As part of her program, Charlotte teaches Interpersonal Communication, where she encourages students to deepen their personal relationships by becoming expert communicators and mindful listeners. She has loved the opportunity to share a piece of her heart, and the occasional philosophy deep dive, as she helps communication concepts come alive. She is a strong believer that a healthy dose of authenticity, passion, and empathy changes perspectives, empowers minds, and simply makes class more enjoyable. And she agrees, becoming a teacher was the best way she could learn about the world. She is forever grateful for the impact students have made on her, and the opportunity to do the same.

Charlotte Williams