Application for Candidacy (ACDD)


Submit an Application for Candidacy after your dissertation proposal is approved, all regulatory approvals are complete and you pass your comprehensive exam.

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training is required for all doctoral students who started their program after July 2013 and any master’s student whose committee deems it appropriate for their student to take. Any doctoral student who was supported on a grant from the National Science Foundation after 2010 is required to take the RCR training.

Any graduate student funded by NSF, USDA-NIFA, or NIH has training requirements specific to their funding. Please contact Research Integrity and Compliance for more information about completing these requirements.

For updates on IRB regulations and to determine whether your research requires IRB approval, view USU's IRB webpage.

If the research requires IRB or IACUC approval, the student must download a copy from ServiceNow of this form after it has been signed by all committee members and submit a copy of the document in Protis under the ‘Students, Dates, and Funding’ tab, where it requests a signed copy of the proposal cover page. NOTE: the student can log into ServiceNow and determine if all committee members have signed the form, and download a copy of the form (pdf format) even through the form has not yet been initialed by the IRB or signed by the Graduate School.

The Application for Candidacy, signed by all members of your committee and the department head, attests that you are ready to conduct independent dissertation research.

The student, major professor, committee members, department head, School of Graduate Studies dean and, if needed, the IRB office will receive an email notification from ServiceNow, an electronic signature service, to review and approve the Application for Candidacy.

Once all signatures are obtained electronically, all parties will receive a final email from ServiceNow with a completed form.

Due Date

Submit this form as soon as you finish your comprehensive exams and at least three months prior to your final defense.

Signatures Needed

  • Major professor/Advisor
  • Committee members
  • Department head
  • Student

Students Who Need This Form