Embargo Request


The Embargo form is used to restrict electronic release of your thesis or dissertation.

USU is committed to the open dissemination of knowledge and thus requires that theses and dissertations be submitted to UMI/ProQuest and to DigitalCommons@USU. In rare cases, the document may be embargoed for five years after submission, however, a printed copy of the thesis or dissertation must still be submitted to the Merrill Cazier Library along with a binding fee.

Embargo of a thesis or dissertation must be approved by the advisor, the department head and the Vice Provost of Graduate Studies.

If you have questions about the Embargo form, please contact the Merrill-Cazier Library at digitalcommons@usu.edu.

Due Date

Due with copy of dissertation/thesis.

Students Who Need This Form

Signatures Needed

  • Advisor
  • Department head
  • Vice Provost of Graduate Studies