Master’s Thesis/Project Approval (TPA)


The Master’s Thesis/Project Approval form confirms you successfully defended a research proposal and have the necessary regulatory approvals to conduct the proposed research.

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) CITI Training is required of MS/A students who began their program after March 2020, and is available for master’s students whose committee deems it appropriate for the student’s thesis/project.

For updates on IRB regulations and to determine whether your research requires IRB approval, view USU's IRB webpage.

You, your major professor, committee members, department head, Vice Provost of Graduate Studies, and IRB (if needed) will receive an email notification from ServiceNow, to review and approve the Thesis/Project Approval form. Once all signatures are obtained electronically, all parties will receive a final email from ServiceNow with a completed form.

Due Date

Submit this form during your second semester, after the Supervisory Committee Approval form, successful thesis proposal defense, and all regulatory approvals are in place. Your thesis defense is scheduled after the Thesis Proposal Approval form is accepted.

Students Who Need This Form

Signatures Needed

  • Student
  • Major professor
  • Committee members
  • Department head
  • Vice Provost of Graduate Studies
  • IRB (if needed)