Register for Online RCR Training

Online RCR Training is offered through CITI. To fulfill the training requirement, you must complete the “Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Curriculum”, and you must pass each module with a score of 80% or higher.

Completion of another CITI Training Module (such as the Social & Behavioral Research Modules used by the IRB or those used by the IACUC) DOES NOT fulfill the RCR training requirement.

How to Register

  1. Go to the CITI website.
  2. Click “Register” in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Under “Select Your Organization Affiliation,” type Utah State University in the search box. Select Utah State University from the dropdown menu. Continue to step 2 on the CITI website.
  4. Enter your personal information. A secondary email address is optional but recommended. Continue to step 3 on the CITI website.
  5. Create your username and password. Select a security question and answer. Continue to step 4 on the CITI website.
  6. Enter your country of residence and select it from the dropdown menu. Continue to step 5.
  7. Indicate your interest in receiving Continuing Education Unit credit for completed CITI Program courses. Select an answer about participating in research surveys. These are voluntary programs but you must answer the questions to proceed. Continue to step 6 on the CITI website.
  8. Provide answers to the required questions (starred). Non-starred questions are optional. The institutional email address should be your email address affiliated with USU. If you do not have an office phone, please enter a mobile or home number. Continue to step 7 on the CITI website.
  9. Select “Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Curriculum” near the bottom of the list, then go to the next page.
  10. You will then be promoted to select an area of focus, either “Social and Behavioral Research”, “Physical Sciences”, or “Humanities”. Select one, then click next. (YOU ONLY NEED TO COMPLETE 1 FOCUS AREA).
  11. Click “Finalize Registration.”