Teaching Assistant Training

Teaching assistant training helps students who will be teaching prepare for their position as TA. This training is required for graduate students who have been awarded or are pursuing a teaching assistantship.

USU 7920 is mandatory for all teaching assistants. Students must be registered before their funding will be processed. If you have any questions, contact the instructor, Erika Beckstrand at erika.beckstrand@usu.edu.

This class is online and is offered every semester.

USU 7920: All Teaching Assistants and Graduate Instructors

USU 7920 is required for all graduate students who have been awarded or are pursuing a teaching assistantship and must be completed before the student’s EPAF is approved.

The course is a 0-credit, online class that is graded pass/fail. No incompletes are allowed for this course.

The training will address Utah State University policies and procedures and provide students with information about campus resources.

Passing the course does not guarantee a TA position. Departments are responsible for granting teaching assistantships and making sure these students are registered for this course. The workshop only needs to be completed once. Students may continue to work as TAs during future semesters once they have passed the class.

Registration for USU 7920 is through Banner, like traditional courses. If you have any questions about registration for USU 7920, reach out to your graduate program coordinator. There is no fee for this training.