Program of Study (POS)
The Program of Study is a contract between you, your committee and the School of Graduate Studies outlining which courses you will take to meet the School of Graduate Studies requirements and complete your degree program.
Log into Access Banner and enter your Program of Study (list of courses) into the “Plans” section of DegreeWorks, then notify your Graduate Program Coordinator that your Program of Study is entered. Do not submit the Program of Study directly to the School of Graduate Studies. The Graduate Program Coordinator in your department will review the Program of Study and submit it to the School of Graduate Studies for processing.
Your major professor, committee members and department head will receive an email notification from USU’s ServiceNow to review and approve the Program of Study. Once all approvals are obtained, you and your GPC will receive a final email from ServiceNow with confirmation the Program of Study was approved.
Revisions to a Program of Study can be made by contacting your Graduate Program Coordinator who will update the courses listed in DegreeWorks and submit a ServiceNow Program of Study request to the School of Graduate Studies for processing. Your major professor and department head will receive the Program of Study revision and will follow the same approval procedure.
Due Date
Enter your Program of Study in DegreeWorks by the end of your second or third semester, after the Supervisory Committee Approval form. Processing time varies depending on the volume of Program of Study forms in the queue. Please do not wait until your final semester to submit your POS, as it could impede your ability to graduate in a timely manner.
Students Who Need This Form
Signatures Needed
- Student
- Major professor
- Committee members
- Department head
- School of Graduate Studies